A couple of weeks ago, random Dave had the front end of his Enfield removed by an old duffer in a car. So now it's on the ramp having z400 forks and yokes, early dt250 wheel and sporty tank grafted on. Pics on ramp are just a serving suggestion, real work in progress!
Looking good. Hope Dave is on the mend! Send him some good vibes from me!
ReplyDeleteLuckily he was ok, just a bit shook up! Have passed on the vibes Tom, cheers!
ReplyDeleteAnd if it's not an old goat it's some seventeen-year-old texting while driving.
They're all out to get ya!
DeleteLuckily the bike took most of the hit!
ReplyDeletenice blog, good jobs on bikes.
I'm more of a "theoritical" nature but maybe u can check mine
Max The Marquis