Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Just picked up the seat for bd#4 from Unique Upholstery. Another great job, thanks Ash! It looks more like a "Chesterfield" in the pics than in the flesh, honest!!


  1. Andy, you dudes have the 'Tracker' essence fully distilled, wicked !!

  2. All it needs is a toaster for a tank and some knobblies!! (I thought you didn't like 'em!)
    What's "project shoveller" gonna be, is the clue in the title?

    1. I've got a '74 FXE that's about to vaguely chopped and made rigid . . . first time for me, there are some shots of the thing in around June or July on the blog . . . I'm afraid your trackers don't qualify for ugly status Andy, far from it my friend, without appearing elitist, wouldn't have subbed to the BD caper if they did.

    2. Why, thankee kindly!
      I'll trawl your blog and have a look for the pics. Have fun with the build.

  3. Very fetching I love the look of that

  4. Thanks Steve, we'll see what it looks like when it's finished. It's evolving!!
